Lengers is introducing Lengers Yacht Care to give customers total peace of mind - Lengers Yachts: Luxury Yacht dealer Europe

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Lengers is introducing Lengers Yacht Care to give customers total peace of mind

Lengers is introducing Lengers Yacht Care to give customers complete peace of mind. Bas Lengers announced this new service today. Lengers Yacht Care will offer customers various options for cleaning, coating and additional services to their vessels.

POSTED On 09.04.2021

Bas Lengers: “We are pleased we found the right experts who will not only give our customer but also our service department peace of mind. Lengers has been experiencing a tremendous growth in the last couple of years and we are working hard to optimize the service to our customer. Lengers Yacht Care is absolutely the right next step to achieve this."

The Lengers Yacht Care team are excited and eager to begin and got off to a great start by already helping out the first customers/due to the already present customer demand. The team currently exists of 10 employees but is expected to expand rapidly due to the growing demand.

Lengers Yachts has grown strongly in recent years and now has offices in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Spain and Finland. By introducing Lengers Yacht Care the company is expanding even more and is able to serve their customers even better. Various options and contracts are available. For more information please visit www.lengersyachtcare.com.